POSEIDON™ Homepage



Understanding POSEIDON™ homepage

Featured Projects: Publicly available projects: OCPD and TCGA

Cohort ExploreView publicly available data using the cohort browser discovery tool. Our daily ingest can be found at PCDM Daily to view genomic and clinical data.

Useful Links: 

  1. Getting started: Link to the documentation of the platform: https://documentation.dnanexus.com
  1. City of Hope Site: Link to COH website: https://www.cityofhope.org/homepage
  1. PCDM Data Elements and Sources: PDF document that explains the data elements in PCDM Daily and sources of these data.
  1. PCDM Data Usage and Guide: PDF document that shows the workflow/guide on how to use PCDM data for research by reaching out to Honest Broker
  1. PCDM Release Notes: Release Notes that have information to any updates or changes to the PCDM Daily.
  1. PCDM Dashboard: Dashboard View of the PCDM Daily Data

To learn how to explore data in Poseidon Cohort Browser, Click here.